Learn How - Aligned Natural Health

I always felt bloated,
No matter what I ate!

– Carrie C.

Carrie C. - Aligned Natural Health

I used to wake nightly with night sweats and cramping in my feet. I always felt bloated no matter what I ate and although I worked out 5x a week I still had the dreaded “muffin top”. 

Within a few weeks of Kate’s guidance I was sleeping through the night! 

Cramping had subsided, night sweats decreased and my clothes started to fit the way they are supposed to.

Kate has helped me control my blood sugar, which is a game changer for me! Kate is compassionate, professional and cares about her clients! 

I am thankful our paths crossed, she has guided me to feel my best at a time in life when so many women are struggling!

Carrie C. - Aligned Natural Health
Amanda W. - Aligned Natural Health

Leading up to my period,
My husband used to hide!

– Amanda W.

Amanda W. - Aligned Natural Health

I used to have really bad PMS every month and my terrible mood swings before my periods led to getting SO mad at my husband for nothing!  Then the first 2 days of my actual period were so heavy I couldn’t leave the house!

The only “solutions” I’d been offered before made things worse, but working with Aligned Natural Health we’ve been able to balance my hormones naturally, and now my periods just come and go easy-peasy!

No more mood swings, headaches, or days of insanely heavy flow. My husband is definitely grateful, and so am I!

The heartburn & acid feeling
I had for years is gone!

– Glenn

Glenn - Aligned Natural Health

I was having digestive issues and was buying antacids in bulk.
Since working with Kate,

I see a big reduction in acid reflex and I’m able to enjoy a natural approach to repairing my health.

I would recommend anyone having health issues to reach out to Kate or Amanda to find out how they could help.

Glenn - Aligned Natural Health
Tree Ryde - Aligned Natural Health

Within 4 days my energy was up!

– Tree Ryde

Tree Ryde - Aligned Natural Health

Before going to Aligned Health my energy was so low that my husband and friends were thinking I was mad at them. And also being a business owner of multiple businesses it was starting to scare me of what was wrong. I also had night sweats that were affecting my sleep.

 I followed the Aligned Natural Health guidance and within 4 days I started feeling back to myself and energy was up.

Now 6 months in I can honestly say that because I am feeling 100 % for the last 5 months I have grown my businesses even more. I am not sure where I would be if I did not find their guidance and expertise. Thank you so much for giving me my life back!

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